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Precautions For Safe Pregnancy And Healthy Offspring


Due to many electronic instruments like washing machine and mixer for household work today's women are hardly exposed to exercise. Further fast food which is a cause of obesity can also give rise to complication during pregnancy Further late marriages cause complications in pregnancy. All these factor have increased the number of patients opting for caesarean. However avoiding caesarean can be beneficial both for baby and mother in future. A pregnant women requires 300 calories more than her usual caloric requirement.
Have good meal three times a day and light breakfast three to five times a day. However diet plan should be decided by a consultant. Food that can cause obesity are bad both for pregnant women and later also for baby. A research has shown that eating food high in fat and sugar during pregnancy can rewire your baby's brain and turn them into a junk food addict even before birth.

Apart from optimal diet proper exercise before during and after pregnancy, should be followed more so by older mothers. Children of women who exercise during their pregnancy have lower chances of developing high blood pressure as adults.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of prematurity spontaneous abortion and perinatal mortality and hence should be better avoided. Further babies of women who smoke during pregnancy are at higher risk of obesity irrespective of their mothers weight.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy causes low birth weight, heart and learning and behavioral disorders.

As far as Air travel is concerned decision depends not depends on various factors. Will the flight have frequent rest breaks, whether you will be able to eat and drink fluid well, further how stressful will be the journey and lastly how important is the journey.

Liquorice which is a confectionary flavored with the liquorice plants root extract should be avoided by expectant mothers

Proper prenatal oral care is necessary since there is link between gum disease and premature underweight birth

In the first three months of pregnancy x-rays, dental anesthetics, plain medications and antibiotics should be avoided unless highly necessary.

A new research have found that women who have complications in pregnancy or a difficult labor have more chance of having post-natal depression than those who do not have complications during pregnancy. The conclusion also found that women admitted to hospital during pregnancy had more than twice the risk of post-natal depression as those who stayed out of hospital until delivery time.
Another research concludes cell phones during pregnancy can cause behavioral problems to her offspring. The study also found that the risk is even higher if the offspring starts using mobiles themselves by the time they are seven.

A research states that stressful pregnancy-physical or emotional –damages the unborn childs health for years to come. Two emotional breakdown during pregnancy raised the odds five –fold.

Further a proper sleep is required by mother. Lack of proper sleep in last trimester may lead to obesity in offspring. Further the would be mothers should not lie flat on their back for a long period of time . Sleep on the left side to allow for the best blood flow to the fetus and to ones uterus and kidneys. Further there are pregnancy mattresses and pillows to help you sleep better. Further exposure to air pollution by mothers can lead to respiratory disorders in the offsprings.

Pregnant women should avoid coffee and tea since they contain caffeine. They should also avoid Green tea since it increases the metabolic rate and affects digestion.

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