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Beet root is one of the healthiest vegetables that belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. This red colored vegetable contains blood purifying properties which boosts liver function and absorption of nutrients in the body. They are also high in iron, folate, fiber, betacyanin and betanin.

They are also good for brain health. Like Green leafy vegetable and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli beet root too are good for brain. They maximize protective antioxidants and vitamins that work well for brain. Hence this vegetable is considered good in prolonging Alzheimer’s disease.

Beetroot juice is good for digestion due to its fiber content. It helps cleanse the colon and alleviate constipation. Further this fiber aids in flushing out the toxins so that they don’t get reabsorbed into the body.

A research has concluded that 500 ml of beet root juice a day can significantly reduce blood pressure. It is also considered good to avoid strokes.

Beet root is also know to improve immunity

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